Civil Society Network said that all political parties which believe in transparency and social justice should match their words with action and support Evarist Bartolo’s proposals on tax havens.
“During the parliamentary sitting of 12th April, Education Minister Evarist Bartolo said that it should be illegal for Maltese persons to open an account in countries where information for tax purposes is not automatically available. More than one month has passed since this proposal, and to date, political commitment on this proposal has been lacking. Civil Society Network invites all political parties to state whether they are considering including this proposal in their upcoming electoral manifestos”.
“Likewise, Political Parties should state whether they agree with Bartolo’s proposal that full disclosure agreement should be signed between countries so that data concerning investors is publicly available”.
“Civil Society Network reiterates its call for the immediate resignation of Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi given their involvement in Panama Papers. Such resignations would be of benefit both for Malta’s government and the Labour Party, given the embarrasing situation concerning the duo’s untouchable status despite their Panama Papers involvement”.
In the near future, Civil Society Network will also be embarking on a campaign to support the European tax avoidance proposals.